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Nadars Through the Aryan Invasion (1500 BC - 600 BC)

As a matter of fact there are some sections of people considering NADARS as Aryans. This confusion is the result of the political upheavals of this particular period. The exact nature of the Aryan attack or its nature and direct effects are not recorded anywhere. Aryans, as such are known to have their character of destroying the enemies and desolating the areas by cutting down even the trees and natural resources and burning them all, wherever they win their wars is known to the world historians (History and culture of indian people). The great Dravidian character of 'Peace-Loving nature is known from its people, their philosophy and their religious principles of non-violence held high till this dates. The great Indus Valley Civilization is a good example to this. It is not possible to think that the Aryan invasion was done in a single day or in a single attempt. This should have continued for a period of time. It is also possible, that the Aryan people had tried to negotiate, persuade and win over the at least a section of the indigenous people to exploit their treasure of knowledge by alluring or by threatening and by using such forms of tactics. The invading Aryans are not known to have possessed any art of writing , if at all they knew, it, they would have transcribed all the knowledge of the Dravidians at least within one hundred to two hundred years, as the British had done in India, later. But the writings and popularizing the Aryan language starts only after the 6th or 7th century AD, productively.
So in the meantime, it is probable that the Aryans had at least some mixing with the indigenous people and this might have developed a new breed of rulers in the northern provinces and the major indigenous Nadans have receded to the southern regions in slow pace, finally reaching the most southern regions of their early ancestors in the later period of history. Thus we get a concentrated Nadar population in the Southern tips of Kerala and Tamilnadu State whereas their kindred groups are thrown scattered over a span of vast areas in the northern regions to the east and west. This becomes very evident when we analyze the history and ancestry of the rulers of the kingdoms like Kaikeya, Ujjaini, Bihar, Pataliputra, Takshila, etc., where the earlier Nadans were ruling before the Aryan invasion. These people are now known by different names because, as days went on, Aryans had the habit of changing the language system of that location slowly, to suit their politics, as they did at last in Kerala (16th century AD). Hence, by 600 BC the Aryans thought they could wind up with their monopoly over the aboriginals, but, never had a one hundred percent acceptation from the indigenous people. Those who have remained out of the fold of the Aryans, had established their kingdom in the nearby forests and also with their kindred groups in the southern parts. This period, reaching 600 BC is considered to be the end of Vedic age. As a matter of fact it should be considered as the 'end of the uncorrupted Tamil Age' because it is only after this period that new implementation of the Aryan propaganda slowly taking shape, after slowly getting acquainted with the Dravidian Arts and Sciences (the process is not yet complete, but still continues in Kerala).
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