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Nadars in Later Chera, Chola, Pandyas (1st century AD -10th century AD)
The Chera, Chola and Pandyas are known to be existing from the Sangam period . Their history is vanished almost to the thin air, except some references here and there. We have many references in the 1st, 2nd and 4th centuries about the history of the Southern Nadars. Karikaala Chola is one of the major kings ruling in this period. There is a bunch of writings about him. There are many wars fought for this king by the Yaudheya Nadars. This is recorded in the Palm-leaf Text, Valamkaimaalai. Even in this period there are wars fought in Ujjaini, and places in the South like Sri-Lanka. There are references that the Nadar Heroes named Vijaya (Visaiyan) are taking the word of Ahimsa to the southern parts of Ceylon. Certain wars are also described with the Sri-Lankan, king, at Anuradhapuram [may be in a different occasion]. In the 4th century AD, according to history, a branch of Nadars are going pilgrimage to Java and finally making settlement there and establishing a kingdom there. One king named Santan is referred to in history in the 4th century AD (The History and Culture of Indian People-1-20).
1st century is marked by many international incidents like the visit of St. Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Twelve Royal families from the Chera country are observed to have become Christians at the instance of St. Thomas, who had strted preadhing right from Taxila, in the Court of Gondophorus, and traveled North-East, and Southwards. (St. Thomas in India- A Critical View). But the conventional belief is that it was the Nambutiris who had become the first Christians. But the modern researches show much different from such mythical conclusions, because, the writing of Keralolpathy is a book of myth which is getting devalued these days from the view points of modern genetic and archaeological research. In this period, lots of new philosophies are coming up grown in the new atmosphere of the influence of Christianity and the earlier principles of Jainism and Buddhism, of their non-violence and Dhamma. The great Tamil epic Thirukkural is supposed to be one among them. It is even proposed that the Vedantha of Saivisim, Vaishnavism etc. had been influenced by this new age. However, Aryan influence is becoming more and more during these period, going down and down as we reach the 7th and 8th century AD. In 7th century a Promoter of Aryanism is born in Kerala,. He is the famous / ill famed Adi Sankara (788-820), who was known to be responsible for bringing the 'Caste System' in India. He travelled from Kanyakumari to Kashmir , like the Chanakkya who travelled from the South to the North, during the period of Chandra Gupta, which made a turning point in Indian history. This influence has gone to the extent that 8000 Jains were sent to the gallows in a single day, (during the period of Thirunavaukkarasu) and thousands and thousands of Nadar Sanmargis and their Jaina and Buddha Viharas were hunted and destroyed. This has caused the beginning of degradation of the Basic Culture of Nadars and the Civilization of the country, from whence on the manipulations of history, Laws, etc., are started. This originates in the Andhara country during the times of 'Prabhakar' a Brahmanic Aryan activist who was thirsty of the blood, tooth and flesh of the Nadar Saints of Jainism . He is known to have adviced to popularise even open immoral dealings -prostitution among the bhikkunis - (Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai). During these periods, the economy and the language of the country were also degenerated. The people who lived without much of disparity were divided into many Caste-groups. The original method of 'King-Priest ' phenomenon had been changed to priority to first Priest, and then 'to the King' or Kshatriya gradation (History and culture of Indian people Volume 1 to 4). Things slowly began to go up-down. Commoners were objected from learning. It should be ascertained that many of the Nadar kings had supported this new ideologies in which, the King, as Kshatriya was offered lot of specialties, luxuries and many sensualities for his pleasures at the cost of the subjects, who were once his own partners (Uravinmurai), but, now turned to be somebody little lower, as a trick of the Aryan design.
During the 8th and 9th century AD, although we see lot of new progress on the basis of a mixed culture is coming up for Nadars and the general population of the country, the essence of things are seen going on the influence of Brahmanic method. The famous Aye kings are seen struggling to keep up their independence, suppressed, and intimidated by the Cholas, influenced by the new Brahmanic priestly class on the basis of Mantric or Achara regulations. This is seen in one of the inscriptions at the famous Parthipasekarapuram temple in South India, in the present Kanyakumari district. There was a big Univeristy under the Aye Nadans. As the regulations were changed up to the gluttonous habit of the Aryans, it finally lost its identity and the Ayes were almost dissolved with the Perumals and the Thiruppappu Nadans of Travancore. The Perumals of Malabar and Eraniyel have become just co-existent with their kindred groups, sometimes coming up to power and sometimes remaining dormant as it reached about the 10th century AD.
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