Nadars in Bimbisara, Asoka, Sunga periods ( 545 BC-273 / 75 BC)
Saint Mahavira's parents were Sidhartha, a wealthy 'Nobleman' and mother, Trisala, sister of Chetaka, an eminent Lichchavi princess of Vaisali. They were Jnatrikas or Nata-putta (children of Nata). They were closely related to the Youdheyas ( war professionals). They were called Bahudhanyakas. Skanda (Kandan -Murugan) or, Karthikeya was their god (History and Culture of Indian People, vol.II). King Bimbisara was related to these tribes. Bimbisara married a Lichchavi princess related to the mother of Mahavira (Nirayavalli Sutra). Historian B.C.Law explains: 'Indian traditions represents them as Kshatriyas. The ruling Clan of Lichchavis was firmly established during the days of Mahavira and Gautama Buddha'. They were one of the a great 'Republican' tribes of the Gana or Kana branch of Nadars. They were related to King Prasenajit and the 'Mallas'. The Nadars too had the title 'Mallas'(Warrior or Wrestlers) which they used to write in their land dealings and governing strength of arms (The Dravidian Lineages). There were nine important families (branches) of 'Mallas' and eighteen Gana-rajas (Kana) divisions. Like the Lichchavis, the Mallas also claim their origin from Ikshavakus, the ancestors of Nadars. In pali language, Ikshavaku is termed as Okkaka(History and culture of indian people). The 'kindred groups' of the Lichchavis are called 'Voharika'. It is termed as 'Voharikarar'(share-holders), as still used in Vilavancode region where the Nadars are almost 85 percent now. Uravainmurai is another equivalent term for Voharika as used among the major Nadar groups of South India, in the Tamil language. King Bimbisara was known by the name, 'Sreniya Bimbisara' as the Gramani Nadans of Southern India. They were known in the Northern Provinces as 'Ratnins'. According to the Jatakas, the Lichchavi assembly consisted of 7,707 rajas or members who had a ceremonial consecration, like the King in a kingdom, each member with the title of a 'raja' as prevalent among the Nadar Uravinmurai. According to the Census Report of India-1901 AD, the number of Gana (Kana) equivalent Republican group in Travancore was 1,771. Although the number has been reduced in terms of period and political restraints, the principle still continued even to the later period, in spite of many hurdles and omissions.
Certain things are to be noticed here. It is not a straight cut history, which is impossible in the context of large scale mutilations done to Indian history. We are still to go to dig up the south Indian history. Yet, the south Indian connections are very clear to make a suggestion for a 'One Race Rule' in the ancient India. The Mallas, and the Lichchavis trace their origin from the Ikshavaku (Okkaka), like the Nadars. The important 'god of war' for them is 'Skanda' who is originated in the South India, even from the Sanga period. He is the god of Nadars from the Mullai regions of the Sangam period. Originally he was a 'Hill-god'. Modernism has given him many up gradations. He is called in Tamil, Kanthan. He is also called Murugan or Karthikeyan. Karthick or Karthikeyan are terms known to the tribes of Bimbisara. Further, they are also called by the name, Bahudhanyaka. As a matter of fact, the north Indian authors probably do not know the real meaning of this. So, sometimes they are confusing. This is a term used for war-like Nadars (or Santors). This is specified in their book of history of the Nadars, the Valamkaimaalai. Valamkai Uyir Kondor is the title used by the ruling tribe of the Nadars. 'Panayan' (having the flag of Palm-Tree - like Bhishmar) is another title. These titles can be seen used in Inscriptions also (Thanchai Peru-udayar Koil Inscriptions). There are many inscriptions and even Copper Plates, also to this usage. Mallas or Malla Marthandan are titles used by the Nadars even few decades ago. There is another branch of Nadars called the Gramani. This is equivalent to the Ratnins of northern India. The common ancestor for these tribes Ikshavaku or Okkaka. Historian B.C.Law connects the Sri Buddha, the Lichchvis, Mallas, the Ganas ,etc., with the Vajjis, otherwise written as Vrijian, Vajjian. They are related to the Vrishnis to which the king Vasudeva Krishna belonged to. Among them, three important branches are marked. They are the Madhovira (Madhera or perhaps, the Modhva), Adamvira (Admera) and Lankhavira (Lakvira) (H.C.vol.II). From these their relations with the South, even up to Sri Lanka, Athen-ur, and the connection with the tribes like Tvashtri or Talayins (Panayan or Palm-flag holder) are revealed. Historically they are connected also to the modern Mattamayurakas of Rohtak (B.C.Law). Mayurakas are connected with Kartikeya or Skanda of the Tamil Sangam period. To quote few lines from one of the important works Indian Socio-Political history:
'While the period of the great Nadar king, Bimbisara is reckoned as 544-493 BC, the Nanda dynasty is considered around 364-324 BC, and then comes the prominent Moriyas or Guptas in 324-300 BC. All these periods, the people on the background as a strong race are the Vratya Kshatriyas, the Vajjis, Lichchavis, etc. Although efforts are seen to vanquish the origin of the Mauriyas, Chandra Gupta is known to have been born to a village headman, a Gramani Nadar. He is also termed as Vrisha or Vrishala., an epithet of Nadars, meaning, Chief among kings.' (The Dravidian Lineages).
Thus Chandra Gupta who had the Moriya or Skanda-Kartikeya traits of the South, begets one of the famous kings of India, Bindusara (Simha Sena), who gave India the noble of the Nobles, a Santor king, 'Santa-Asoka'. He was a symbol of Peace to the World. Because of the great royal principles of Voharika or Uravinmurai, Asoka was successful in establishing 84,000 Stupas or Viharas in the capitals of 84,000 kingdoms which he managed as the Chief, from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. It is no wonder that we find such huge number of Edicts all over India, the Message of Peace given by Asoka, in places like Arcot, Trichinapally, Ramnad, Madura, Thirunelveli, Travancore, Coorg, Malabar and countries like Chera, Chola and Pandya, including Sri Lanka..
'The Yaudheyas take their root from Atri-Ikshvaku-Nabhaga-Nabhanadishtha-Budha-Pururavas- Ayu-Nahusha-Yayati-Anu-Anavas-Usinara-Nriga-Yaudheya. The Vrishni Nadars as well as Krishna, trace their origin from Yadu, as : Yadu-Kroshtri--Yadavas-Vaidarbha-Satvatas-Vrishnis. The Chedis and Bhojas take their root fromVaidarbhas and Satvatas respectively, whereas the Kurus, Pandavas, Matsyas are traced out from Puru. Vrishni kula Krishna is a Yadava. In Tamil he is known as Ayar Kula or of Idaya. This is recorded in some writings as Hida. This is connected with their predecessor 'Nahusha (Nada), who is the descendant of Ayu (Aye)' (Taken from The History and Culture of Indian People, vol.I, II, III, IV, quoted in The Dravidian Lineages)
Period of Asoka is calculated to be around 273-236 BC. This is the golden period of Lichchavi or Vajji-kula Nadars. Late comes the degraded Sungas, during the period calculated to be around 187-75 BC., and the decline of the aboriginal dynastic nobility starts. The story of the rebel soldier, Pushyamitra is known to history. The strength of his group is getting the foundation, perhaps, from the atmosphere created by the Persian invasions around 500 / 370 BC, with lot of infiltration to the northern parts of India than to the South. Perhaps, history of a king supported by the tactics of Aryan politics starts from here, with a large group opposing it, and many siding with him to form a future diversified branches of dynasties in India, and the southern links are slowly beginning to be buried down. This creates a situation to project a north-India oriented history in our country., many of the Nadar groups receding to the Eastern and Southern parts.