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Nadars in Muslim Invasion period (11th / 15th century AD)
An analysis of history shows us that the history of Nadars, although buried, it is somewhat going straight till the beginning of 11th century AD, but lot of new turnings happening around and after the 11th century AD. As a matter of fact, takes a turn, a tarnishing turn, almost from 10th century, although it had begun from 7th century AD. The Persian invasion of 500 / 370 BC , in the north, tarnishes the real Indian color of culture, civilization and politics in India as a whole. But the South India was somewhat safe with a greater unity among the Chera, Chola and Pandyas, especially between the Cheras and the Pandyas, till the Tamil country was attacked by the Muslim invaders. However, the downfall of Nadar kingdom happens during the invasion of Moguls from 11th to the 13 century AD. During these period, it is seen that a number of servants of Nadars are turning their back to the Nadars in their friendship with the new invaders thereby betraying their own salt. To show such betrayals, at least there are two inscriptions dated 1453 AD, issued in the middle of Tamilagam. This is almost a period that a new system of Devadasis in the temples of the country are being introduced. This is a Brahmanical tactics to promote some of the lower level communities who had sided with the Brahmanical norms and the whims of the new invaders to help, thrash down the Nadar rulers. Lot of sensual appeals have been promoted during this time in the south, as it was already started by the Chandlean kings of Madhya Pradesh around the 10th century AD and the middle of 11th century AD, like in the Khajuraho temple depictions. The Chandella Nadans were the Ittanat branch (Iitta-Natta = Inthappana oriented Nadars) of 39 branches of Nadar tribe of South (as in Travancore). They are of the Khejur-Palm or Date-Palm flag holders or artisans. As in the north, in the south also moral deterioration has started after the Muslim invasions and Erotic sensuality had been promoted to the destruction of the Basic aboriginal Root-Culture and Civilization of the Jainistic nature. Slowly the temples have begun to flow into the hands of the new Brahmanical allies.
Influenced by this new cultural turning, even rivalries among the traditional brotherhood of the Chera Chola Pandyas had occurred, and there developed a great war that lasted for more than one hundred years between the Cholas, and Pandyas; and Cholas and the Cheras (Rejendra Cholan, Raja raja Cholan period). After the war, although some new matrimonial relations have been maintained by the Cholas and the Cheras, the country was again reduced to smaller bits, controlled by little Chieftains. Only a few Nadars had independent kingdoms, like the Kothais and the Tiruppapur of south Kerala. But the rivalry fire was continued to be kindled by the new forces that by another one hundred years, the larger kingdom of the Nadars were almost lost, except among the Aivar Rajakkal of the south.
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